Code of Ethics

Working collaboratively with the Australian Government

ATIF members confirm their commitment to working collaboratively with the Australian Government to give effect to the policy of importing timber and timber products from legal forest operations and to eliminating illegal logging and associated activities in supplier countries.

ATIF Members recognise that timber is a valuable, renewable resource and support best forestry practices that are directed at:

Code of Ethics

The ATIF requires its members to comply with the following Code of Ethics:

ATIF members will source their timber and timber products from lawful and well managed forests and plantations.  ATIF members recognise that the independent qualification of forests and the process chain is the most useful tool in providing assurances that the timber they handle comes from lawful and well managed forests.

ATIF members will develop and encourage the adoption of processes that can verify legality through dealings with suppliers and other stakeholders in supplier countries.

Evidence of a lawful timber and timber products may include

• Documentation verifying that timber has been harvested in accordance with the laws of the country of origin.

• Documentation that timber sourced is compliant with supplier country Government endorsed forest management systems and/ or codes.

• Documentation that verifies compliance with a recognised forestry management or certification scheme and/ or third party certification scheme.

Supporting Statement:

In addition to the Code of Ethics the ATIF requires its members to:
  1. Provide courteous, prompt, efficient and friendly service.
  2. Adopt pricing policies that are fair and competitive.
  3. Provide specialist advice to others in the timber supply chain.
  4. Guarantee that timber and timber products are sold as specified (species, size, grade, moisture content, quality and functionality).
  5. Conform with recognised industry standards and practices.
  6. Provide a safe working environment for employees.
  7. Ensure there is no trading in conflict timber

Supporting Statement:

Any complaints in relation to compliance with the Code of Ethics should, in the first instance, be directed to the management of the company concerned.  Should a satisfactory response not be received contact: or ATIF Chair Jacinta Colley on 1300 596 401


The ATIF will work with member companies to rectify identified breaches to the Code of Ethics.  Failure to rectify breaches or repeated breaches will result in action being taken against such member companies.  This action could include membership suspension or expulsion from the ATIF.